


En résumé

Degree from ENIG (Tunisia) as process engineer, I had a first experience in the petroleum exploitation industry in particular in the department Exploitation of ENI TUNISIA BV on Oued Zar petroeum Field, on the occasion of my final project review. During this experience I was able to develop my knowledge in petroleum processes, in units of optimization methods in simulation software and equipment sizing.

Fan of the process still remaining, but envy of many renter in the oil and my passion for the landwork and therefore Teamwork to quickly resurfaced ...

I am currently a process engineer in the department Engineering, Research and Development on EPPM (Engineering Procurement & Project Management).

With EPPM TUNISIA I am in charge of developing:
- Conceptual, FEED and Detail Engineering studies in the Oil & Gas field.
- Natural Gas and Crude Oil processing units design.
- Process simulation using HYSYS, PIPESIM, FLARE NET...
- Process debottlenecking studies
- Equipments sizing technical specification elaboration.
- Flare systems design.
- Technical bids.

With EPPM TUNISIA I have got the chance to work with International clients in different countries such as:

Mes compétences :
Office 2010


  • ITALFLUID MAGHREB SERVICES PETROLIER (I.M.S.P) - Oil & Gas Process Design and Production Engineer

    2012 - maintenant Oil & Gas Process Engineer on I.M.S.P
    Responsible for well testing units design, simulations (using HYSYS, PIPESIM, Olga…), sizing of different equipments of the units.

    With I.M.S.P I have got the chance to work with International clients in Tunisia as eni Tunisia bv
  • EPPM - Ingénieur

    Tunis 2010 - 2012
  • Eni Tunisia BV - Ingénier Procédés

    Lyon 2010 - 2010 Optimisation du procédé de traitement huile/gaz du champ Oued Zar (Configuration gaz du sud. Simulation du procédé, par le logiciel HYSYS, en partant des têtes des puits jusqu’à l’expédition, validation des résultats par les données de marche de l’état actuel. Optimisation et étude des améliorations proposées à la station de traitement et de compression du gaz du site Oued Zar, 75 jours sur chantier)


  • Ecole Nationale D'Ingénieurs De Gabes (Gabès)

    Gabès 2007 - 2010 Ingénieur en génie chimique-procédés


Annuaire des membres :