
Mabrouk FAOUZI


En résumé

I heard that you started a set of construction sites in various countries, and might need an inspector quality. I would like to be allowed to work with your team and I consider that I have the training and skills required for it.
While working on my diploma, I occupied inspector's post quality in several sites of oil construction in which I participated in the good development of these projects and the improvement of the proposed service. I also had a good experience with international companies practicing different standards concerning our domain.
Enclosed is a copy of my resume, which more fully details my qualifications for the position.

Mes compétences :
Expertise et arbitrage au chantier (third party)
Recherche de réserves au cours de fabrication (pun
Assistance de performance de soudage
APPLICATION et bonne connaissance aux Normes Franç
Métrise des appareils ultrasoniques (USM35X…) : so
Radioprotection et manipulation des appareils radi
Vérification de certificats matières (pipe, struct
Assistance de mode opératoire de soudage PQR &
Soudure etc.…)
Supervision & de construction sur chantier et


  • TIC/PAULINA/BECA/SICISALDO/PIRECO/Snc-lavalin/SAIPEM - QA/QC inspecteur en soudage

    1994 - maintenant


  • Centre National De Formation Professionnelle (Sousse)

    Sousse 1992 - 1994 Contrôleur de soudage

    Contrôle non destructif


Annuaire des membres :