


En résumé

"Hiring a graduate is NOT a charity , it's something your company and team needs."
"How do I get job experience without already having some? Good news! “Experience” is a loose term. You don’t need to have a star-studded resume of your past jobs as a twenty-two year-old to claim that you have “experience"
I am a young graduate of a Bachelor Degree in Finance Management and a professional Master in Banks and Insurance of the IHEC Carthage, I am currently seeking a first job or a refresher course.
I'm always attracted by the banking and insurance sector, I naturally oriented myself towards the formation of the Institute of Higher Commercial Studies of Carthage. I realized several internships which allowed me to forge an experiment, but also to comfort me in my wish to lead my professional career in this rich sector.
Extremely serious, punctual, dynamic, hardworking, rigorous and available.
My lack of professional experience in no way undermines my willingness to hold a position and pushes me, on the contrary, to prove myself. The proposed challenge is up to my expectations.
This first job will mark the beginning of my active life, whose success is in my hands.


  • Société Tunisienne d'assurances - Stage de fin d'études

    2018 - maintenant Stage de fin d'études sous le thème < ses différentes garanties et sa couverture lors d'un sinistre
    Société Tunisienne d'assurances et de réassurances - STAR- (Tunisie)
  • LLOYD ASSURANCE - Stage saisonier

    2017 - maintenant
  • ATTIJARI BANK - Stage saisonier

    Paris 2017 - maintenant
  • Office de la marine marchandise et des ports(OMMP - Stage saisonier

    2016 - maintenant Office de la marine marchandise et des ports(OMMP) (Tunisie)
  • Union Internationale de banques(UIB - Stage saisonier

    2016 - maintenant
  • Banque de l'Habitat(BH) - Stage d'initiation

    2013 - maintenant ÉDUCATION ET FORMATION


  • Institut Des Hautes Etudes Commerciales - Carthage, Tunisie (Tunisie)

    Tunisie 2013 - 2016 Licence fondamentale en gestion: spécialité Finance
  • Institut Supérieur (Tunisie)

    Tunisie 2012 - 2013 Licence appliquée en administration des affaires
    des Etudes Technologiques
  • Lycée Secondaire Tataouine (Tunisie)

    Tunisie 2011 - 2012 Baccalaureat

    Curriculum vitæ khorbi Tasnim


Pas de contact professionnel

Annuaire des membres :