


En résumé

As an embedded software engineer, I'm responsible for developing, building and testing firmware for embedded devices. Currently, I'm working on a home automation gateway which can be controlled locallly, via the web and via mobile phone. It's intended to reduce energy consumption and to secure the home.

Mes compétences :
Linux embarqué


  • CHIFCO - Porting and maintaining a QT based cloud application

    2014 - 2014 - Configuration and cross-compilation of QT library for MIPS32 processor
    - Modification and porting of QT application source code
    - Installation and configuration of a Node.js server
    - Migration from websocket to based communication
    - Maintaining HTML/CSS source code
  • CHIFCO - Development and building of IEEE 802.11 WLAN drivers and packages for embedded target

    2014 - 2014 - Modification of existing drivers for support of combined mode via wifi : The box can
    act as a hotspot station or a wifi extender
    - Porting of wireless authentication packages
    - Planning a software achitecture for setting desired wireless configuration for the box
    - Client mode : Scan and select network, setting passphrase if required ...
    - Hotspot Mode : Set network name, select authentication type ...
    * 3G to WAN router : Wireless access point sharing 3G key connection
    * 3G to LAN router : Plug you 3G key and connect from the box through Ethernet
  • CHIFCO - Development of a QT Application for automated tests

    2014 - 2014 - Design of a graphical interface using QT/C++
    - Automated configuration and Firmware flash of new boxes
    - Check box connectivity, Firmware integration and box registration in the servers
    - Check whether the devices are installed correctly
    - Feddback with Warnings/Errors/Success notifications
  • CHIFCO - Development of a kernel driver for battery power backup (Sercomm – MIPS)

    2014 - 2014 - Developing a kernel driver that controls a Sercomm box GPIOs in order to switch instantly to battery mode if the power cable is unplugged
    - Sending a push notification when the box switches to battery mode
  • CHIFCO - Graduation project supervision : Integration of ZigBee protocol stack for a home automation gateway

    2014 - 2014 - Porting ZigBee stack for a linux based board
    - Developing an API which can be accessed from datamodel
    - Controling ZigBee devices : Binary switch plug, Multisensor ...
  • CHIFCO - Graduation project supervision : Development of a voice recognition application for embedded target

    2014 - 2014 - Developing C application dedicated for voice recognition
    - Porting the application for (Sercomm - MIPS) board
    - Building rquired kernel drivers
  • CHIFCO - Development and implementation of avariety of features for a multi-purpose home gateway

    2014 - maintenant - Generating a full customized image compatible with OpenWRT OS for MIPS prcoessor
    - Integrating a wide variety of zwave devices (Sensors, Switches, Thermostat, Door Lock …)
    - Integrating 3G key support for both platforms with a failover script (3G as backup connection)
    - Integrating WIFI enabled usb key
    - Add kernel support for GPIO push buttons with zwave commands (Add/Remove device , and cancel command)
    - Add kernel support for GPIO leds (Blinking leds when device added/removed)
    - Developing an “offline security Mode” : Trigger Siren alarm when motion is detected when no body is at home
    - Developing a UPNP library which interacts with android/ios smartphones
    - Detection of a “box-paired” smartphone when it comes home via wifi
    - Developing an XMPP client for the box
    - Integration of zwave remote control with customized functionnalities
    - Developing supervision functionnalities (back-office) : Box infos, Remote reboot, Remote update
    - Developing firmware update scripts for two platforms (Raspberry PI - ARM7 - OpenEmbedded ) and (Sercomm - MIPS - OpenWRT) with integrity checking and feedback to the administrator
  • CHIFCO - Developing zwave open source library and custom web-services using OpenACS code

    2013 - maintenant - Fixing bugs in Openzwave library
    - Building custom image for Raspberry PI using OpenEmbedded SDK
    - Developing web-services for controlling zwave devices remotely using OpenACS
    application layer
    - Adding control features for zwave server datamodel
  • CHIFCO - Final graduation project

    2013 - maintenant - Auditing box wireless connection
    - Develop security rules for linux based system
    - Study Openzwave library
    - Develop support for zwave security device : Door Lock which uses encryption
    algorithm to establish connection with the controller
  • CHIFCO - Validation of SPI bus for STMicroelectronics Set-Top-Box (STB)

    2012 - maintenant - Hands-on ST STB hardware
    - Manipulating hardware and software documentation
    - Perform electrical tests on STB board
    - Follow validation process


  • Ecole Nationale D’Ingénieurs De Sousse (ENISo) (Sousse)

    Sousse 2010 - 2013 Engineer Degree


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