
Mhalheli SOUFIEN


En résumé

Team lead and full-stack senior developer/architect with a focus on web applications leveraging a strong background in open source technologies including; Linux, ruby, nodeJS, Javascript, jQuery, AngularJS, VueJS, PostgreSqL ,MySQL, MongoDB, Apache, Postfix, and nginx. Experience in database design, software engineering, development and team leadership. Proven ability to jump into new projects and learn new technologies quickly. a highly motivated and ambitious individual able to give timely and accurate advice, guidance, support and training to team members and individuals. Possessing excellent devloppment skills and having the ability to work with the minimum of supervision.

Mes compétences :
Html 5
MVC Model
Ruby on Rails
Koajs / express
Mysql / PostgreSQL/ MongoDB


  • Tunpixel - Technical team lead

    2015 - maintenant * Manage a small team, made up of junior, mid, and senior front and backend developers and QA
    * Technical poin t of contact for clients, responsible for communicating technical concepts and needs between technical and non technical people.
    * Work with, and delegate specific tasks to individual members of cross-functional teams on multi-disciplinary projects.
    * Act as lead developer and primary technical resource for projects. Responsible for communicating between developers and clients, while architecting and overseeing technical implementations.
    * Migrated nodeJS backed to micro servies backend based in docker and kafka , with some VueJS on the frontend, greatly improving end user performance, adding numerous additional features, and making the entire application much more extensible and easier to maintain.
    * used: HTML/XHTML, CSS, jQuery, postgres, MySql/MariaDB, Docker , docker-compose , knex , bookshelf , sails , nginx, Linux, OSX, VueJS, AngularJS, mongoDb, node.js, sass , less, bower, gulp , git , mocha , phantomjs , protractor , eslint , webpack , jira , bitbucket , codeship , BDD , TDD , E2E , karma , phantomjs , protractor , gitlab, hapijs , express , bootstrap , flexbox
  • Faderco Spa - Full-stack developer

    2014 - 2015 Creat fidelity solution for Faderco company to encorage the sales activity , any client can earn point if he buy
    some product , the system manage all process and export the list of winning customers
    * Build report generator with ruby on rails import data from SAP software solution and with simple dashboard
    can generate any report after this data as ready , many type of report we can generating like sales per day per
    familly of produt per customers and by region … , this reports avalabe on pdf and xls
    * used: ruby on rails , bootstrap , centos 7 , postgreSQL , MariaDB , VB.NET , highcharts , wkhtmltopdf , Gems(devise ,
    activerecord , wiked_pdf )
  • CTT - Full-stack developer

    2013 - 2014 Developing e-tourisme solution for booking implementing many technologie for many travel agency is a system
    for enligne booking and reservation , generate vocher and calculate
    * Creat template for « ceberisa » solution and other template for wordpress based on bootstrap and foundation
    * Member of backend developers team (rubys developers) and front-end team ,
    * Manage and administrate servers and create deployement process (development envirment and contuines
    integration process) for the different project
    * Used : Ssh , mysql/MariaDB , , sass , haml , bootstrap , jquery , angularJS , ruby on rails ....
  • TunToon - Graphicste & web developer

    2012 - 2013 Site web (php, ajax , jquery , html5 , css3 ) , modelisation 3D , préparation de “3d
    material” , Vray , 3Ds max , Animation 3D , Logo , carte visite , habillage de page
    facebook .
  • Freelance - Web developer

    2011 - 2013



    Gabès 2007 - 2011 Licence Fondamentale en informatique et multimédia

    Moyen 14,59


Annuaire des membres :